Quality, safety and environment policy

Quality, safety and environment policy

In Freixa Bofill Tesem (FBT), a company dedicated to the manufacture, marketing and distribution of injected plastic parts, we have the main purpose of maintaining and improving quality, safety and environmental performance in order to:

  1. Ensure exemplary care service; attending to customer requests and delivering the product on time and under the agreed conditions as well as complying with all applicable regulations regarding the production process and workers.
  2. Provide safety to all workers while ensuring that all jobs are in proper conditions.
  3. Fulfill with the requirements applied in the sector and minimize the carbon footprint.

The appropriate management of the respective policies is essential for the proper functioning of the company. For this reason, the management of FBT acquires the following commitments:

  1. Ensure that each department within the organization continuously develops the implementation, improves and reviews its Quality, Safety and Environment Management System in accordance with local legislation, national laws and good practices.
  2. Consider the Quality, Safety and Environmental System as a matter of highest priority within the company and therefore, be integrated in all business activities and, at the same time, be proactively promoted through all its stakeholders.
  3. Regularly consult workers, worker’s representatives, customers, contractors and suppliers to maintain a high-level system as requested by the top management team.
  4. Provide all the necessary information on the Quality, Safety and Environmental System to workers, so that they can properly execute their job functions.
  5. Reach with the company’s global collaboration the highest standards available of the Management System of all workers, customers and individuals affected by business activities.
  6. Establish a safe work environment; eliminating or minimizing hazards to acceptable levels based on risk assessment and taking preventive measures to prevent injuries and diseases.
  7. Use the appropriate material, products or processes in order to adjust the business activity with the environmental commitments; complying and surpassing the current national environmental legislation. Minimize, prevent and/or reduce environmental pollution.

The above objectives cannot be achieved without the absolute participation of all the parties that compose the company. Hence, the cooperation of all workers is requested and it is expected that:

  1. Always work safely to ensure their job security, as well as that of all those who may be affected by their actions.
  2. Use the company’s equipment and/or facilities appropriately with local regulations according to the training and information provided by the manufacturer.
  3. Report all accidents or incidents that could have resulted in personal injuries and help to implement preventive measures to prevent future recurrence.